As I continue my preparation for the Portland Winter Half Marathon on January 23rd, I took a look back at 2015. I started the year with the cliche of a fitness-focused New Year’s Resolution and then hit some bumps in the road. I was told to avoid running to prevent a potential injury. That made for constant mental adjustments—reminding myself to focus on what I could do, not what I couldn’t do.
I learned lots of great lessons and am glad I recorded them here. I suspect it will be smart for me to re-read those posts over the years. Thanks again to all who supported me through that.
As I look through my 2015 walking/running log, I am pleased to see how few weeks passed without my exercising at least 3 times per week. So, setting my goal realistically made for a gratifying year-end review! I hope you’ll join me in continuing to MOVE in 2016. And, I hope that revisiting the 2015 posts at various points in the year will help you make 2016 one of your healthiest, happiest yet!